ai换脸 色情乌拉圭农牧业弘扬,这收获于它先天不足的地舆环境。连年来,中国已成为乌拉圭最大的营业伙伴,乌拉圭对华出口屡窜改高,其中以牛羊肉为代表的农牧产物占很大比重。从生动的潘帕斯草原到中国餐桌,乌拉圭这一南好意思洲牛羊肉分娩大国为何“属意”中国市集?乌拉圭对中国市集又有哪些雄壮推敲?带着这些问题,中国网外籍主捏东谈主彭瑞采访了乌拉圭国度肉类协会主席孔拉多·费尔博尔、乌拉圭驻上海总领事马塞罗·马龙,与他们共同探讨问题的谜底。
Uruguay boasts a well-developed agricultural and animal husbandry, thanks to its unique geographical environment. In recent years, China has become Uruguay's largest trading partner. Uruguay's exports to China have reached record highs, with a large proportion of farm and pasture products, represented by beef and lamb.
How are the beef and lamb products transported from the vast Pampas grasslands to dinner tables of Chinese households? Why do the beef and lamb products from Uruguay get popular in Chinese market? Let's find out!伦理电影大全百度影音